SSC MTS Descriptive Question Paper 2019 PDF

SSC MTS Descriptive Question Paper 2019 PDF

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SSC MTS Descriptive Question Paper 2019 PDF:  Staff Selection Commission has conducted the SSC MTS Tier 2 (paper 2) Exam 2019 on 24th November 2019 on various regional headquarters centers all across India.

SSC MTS Tier 2 Descriptive Question Paper 2019 PDF is available here to download in Hindi and English language. Solving SSC MTS Previous Year Papers will help you to identify the exam pattern and type of the questions asked in the examination.

SSC MTS Tier 2 Descriptive Question Paper 2019

There is a huge competition among the aspirants for SSC MTS job that’s why a proper study plan is required to clear this exam. One of the most successful steps towards SSC MTS Preparation is to solve the SSC MTS Previous Year asked Papers. 

So in this article, we will going to share you with direct links of SSC MTS Tier 2 Descriptive Question Paper PDF 2019 for Tier-II. Scroll down for more study materials and updates on SSC MTS TIER 2 EXAM.

SSC MTS Tier 2 Descriptive Exam 2019

SSC conducts SSC MTS Exam in two phases. The Tier 1 Exam is conducted in online Computer Based Test mode and MTS Tier 2 Exam is descriptive (offline) mode.

Those candidates who will qualify the SSC MTS Tier 1 exam will be called for SSC MTS Tier II Descriptive Exam. In this exam aspirants have to write either essay or letter in English, Hindi or any other language which is mentioned in 08th schedule of the constitution.

In this article, we are going to tell you all the details on SSC Matsya Decryptive Examination, which took place on 27th November. We are also providing you with SSC MTS Tier 2 Exam Pattern, SSC MTS Tier II Paper Analysis 2019 and SSC MTS Tier 2 Previous Year Paper Pdf.

Languages in which SSC MTS Tier II Exam 2019 can be written are :-

Below all the languages given in which you can write your descriptive exam of SSC MTS And their code is also given in front of them.


You can write in one of the above languages. You have to remember that only one of the letters and esses has to be written. And it is also important for you to know that this SSC Fish Tier 2 exam is only qualifying. Its marks do not add to your final merit list.

SSC MTS Descriptive Exam Pattern:

SubjectShort Essay / Letter
Time Duration30 Minutes (45 Minutes For VH/PH)
LanguageAny other language which is mentioned in 08th schedule of the constitution.

SSC MTS Tier II paper is qualifying in nature, marks scored in SSC Descriptive Paper are not added to the final merit. SSC MTS Final Merit List will be declared on the basis of SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam.For this exam, your admit card will be uploaded on the official website.

SSC MTS Descriptive Question Paper 2019 Analysis

Below we have shown the analysis of the descriptive exam of SSC on 24th November 2019. Along with that, we also provide the questions asked in this Descriptive exam.

  • SSC MTS Tier II Descriptive Paper is of 30 Minutes of 50 Marks
  • The exam is qualifying in nature.
  • Aspirants have to qualify SSC MTS Tier II Cutoff
  • No marks will be added to the final merit list.
  • Five Topics Of Essay and Letter were given, candidates have to write anyone.
  • There were no boxes in the answer sheet.
  • No word limit was mentioned.
  • Topics were easy.
  • Exam was  Conducte on time.

SSC MTS TIER ll Exam 2019 Asked Questions:


  1. वायु प्रदुषण
  2. परिवार के प्रति जिम्मेवारी
  3. शिक्षा का महत्व
  4. छात्रों पर अध्ययन का तनाव
  5. स्वच्छ भारत अभियान


  1. Air pollution
  2. Family responsibility
  3. importance of education
  4. Increasing stress on students
  5. Clean India Movement


  1. आप महेश / रेनू हैं और आप प्रीत विहार नई दिल्ली में रहते हैं।
    अपने मित्र को एक पत्र लिखिए की आप काम की पूर्व प्रतिबद्धता के कारन उनकी सदी को अटेंड नहीं कर पाईयेगा।
  2. आप प्रभा / वरुण हैं और आप प्रीत विहार नई दिल्ली में रहते हैं।
    अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को एक पत्र लिखिए जिसमे आप परीक्षा फ़ीस जमा करने के लिए थोड़ी मोहलत मांग रहे हैं।
  3. आप संचिता / नवीन हैं और आप प्रीत विहार नई दिल्ली में रहते हैं।
    अपनी कॉलोनी में मच्छरों के बढ़ती संख्या  को उजागर करने के लिए स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी एम.सी.डी. को पत्र लिखें !
  4. आप मान्शी / राम हैं और आप प्रीत विहार नई दिल्ली में रहते हैं।
    आप अभी अभी अपने हॉस्टल में शिफ्ट हुए हैं। अपने हॉस्टल जीवन को दर्शाते हुए अपने मित्र को एक पत्र लिखे
  5. आप सुनीता / सुनील प्रीत विहार नई दिल्ली में रहते हैं। सामान्य ज्ञान की पुस्तकें उपलब्ध कराने के लिए अपने लाइब्रेरियन को एक पत्र लिखें।


  1. You are Mahesh / Renu and you live in Preet Vihar New Delhi.
    Write a letter to your friend telling him/her not be able to attend their marriage due to some prior commitment.
  2.  You are Prabha / Varun and you live in Preet Vihar New Delhi.
    Write a letter to your principal ,representing him to grant some extra time to pay examination fee.
  3. You are Sanchita / Naveen and you live in Preet Vihar New Delhi.
    Write a letter to the Health officer M.C.D to highlighting the problem of breeding mosquitoes in your colony.
  4. You are Manshi / Ram and you live in Preet Vihar New Delhi.
    You have just shifted to your hostel. Write a letter to your friend describing your hostel life
  5. You are Suneeta/Sunil lives in Preet Vihar New Delhi.Write a letter to your librarian to make avaialable books of general knowledge.

Topics of essay asked in SSC MTS Paper 2 Exam 2014

  • Book fair
  • Television
  • My favourite game
  • Diwali Mahotsav
  • Census 2010-2011
  • My first Train Journey

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