Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive

Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive

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Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive

Staff Selection Commission is ready to conduct SSC MTS Descriptive Exam 2019 on 24th November, 2019. Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive is available here to download in PDF format.

SSC conducts Descriptive Exam to test the writing skill of the candidates. Here are some Important points regarding SSC MTS Descriptive Paper:

  • SSC MTS Tier II 2019 is a descriptive paper.
  • It will be in pen and paper mode.
  • You have to write anyone of either Essay or Letter.
  • Total marks in SSC MTS Descriptive Exam 2019 is 50.
  • Students have to write their paper in 30 minutes. (40 Minutes for PH)
  • The Exam will be conducted in the regional headquarters.
  • Follow the proper sequence of writing (Don’t write conclusion at the begining).
  • Introduction and conclusion are very Important in your essay. Introduction should be catchy and should be related with the subject of essay.

SSC MTS Descriptive Paper 2019
Exam Name SSC MTS Descriptive Exam 2019
Name Of The Organization Staff Selection Commission
Total Posts 7099
Exam Mode Offline
Article Title Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive
Post Category Study Materials
Exam Center Regional Headquarters Of SSC
Total No. Of Aspirants Appearing For Tier II 1,11,162
SSC MTS Tier 2 Exam Date 2019 24th November, 2019
SSC MTS Tier 2 Admit Card Date 2019 20th November, 2019
SSC MTS Tier 2 Result Date 2019 To be announced soon
Official Website

Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive

Many aspirants are confused about the topics that can be asked and need to be prepared for the descriptive paper. We have mentioned here Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive Exam 2019.

Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive 2019
Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive 2019

We have already shared SSC MTS Descriptive Original Checked Copy PDF. You have to practice 1 to 2 topics daily to score better in SSC MTS Tier II Exam 2019. These are the expected topics, the original questions may vary in the descriptive test.

We would recommend you to prepare more topics to boost your preparation and go with confidence for the exams. The topics mentioned here are totally based on the SSC MTS Tier 2 Previous Year Papers. SSC MTS exam is of 10th level so the topics asked in these exams are of easy level.

Most Expected Essay Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive Paper:

We have mentioned 15 most expected essay topics which are Important for the upcoming SSC MTS Descriptive Paper 2019. Take your pen and paper and start writing on these topics to ace your ssc mts descriptive preparation.

  1. My Favourite Sport
  2. Student Life
  3. Essay On Any Festival
  4. My Favourite Book/Novel
  5. Traffic Rules, Safety & Reforms
  6. Pollution (Important – Air)
  7. Women Empowerement
  8. Corruption
  9. Technology (Mobile, Computer, Television)
  10. Social Media
  11. My Travel Experience
  12. Diwali Mahotsav (SSC MTS 2014)
  13. My Best Friend
  14. Discipline In Student’s Life
  15. Winter Season

SSC MTS वर्णनात्मक पेपर के लिए सबसे अधिक अपेक्षित निबंध विषय:

  1. मेरा पसंदीदा खेल
  2. विद्यार्थी जीवन
  3. किसी भी त्योहार पर निबंध
  4. मेरी पसंदीदा पुस्तक / उपन्यास
  5. यातायात नियम, सुरक्षा और सुधार
  6. प्रदूषण (महत्वपूर्ण – वायु)
  7. महिला सशक्तिकरण
  8. भ्रष्टाचार
  9. प्रौद्योगिकी (मोबाइल, कंप्यूटर, टेलीविजन)
  10. Social मीडिया
  11. मेरी यात्रा का अनुभव
  12. दिवाली महोत्सव (SSC MTS 2014)
  13. मेरा सबसे अच्छा दोस्त
  14. विद्यार्थी जीवन में अनुशासन
  15. सर्दियों का मौसम

Most Expected Letter Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive Paper:

  1. Write a letter to your District Megistrate for cleaning of your society.
  2. Write a letter to your friend Ashish to congratulate him on his success in SSC MTS Exam.
  3. Write a letter to your district/city electricity board complaining frequent breakdown in electricity supply.
  4. Write a letter to the editor of a newwspaper about the article “Air Pollution” published in the latest edition.
  5. Write an application to your SBI Branch Manager to seed your Aadhar Number with your account.
  6. Write a letter to your father to tell him about you can’t come home in vacations.
  7. Write a letter to principal/headmaster to get your college leaving certificate.
  8. You are Rahul write a letter to your younger brother congratulating him on his success in district athletics championship.
  9. Write a letter to SDO of your area for issuing your character and caste certificate.
  10. You are Vikram write a letter to your friend Anuj staying in a hostel ask about his health.

SSC MTS वर्णनात्मक पेपर के लिए सबसे अधिक अपेक्षित पत्र विषय:

  1. अपने समाज की सफाई के लिए अपने जिला मजिस्ट्रेट को पत्र लिखें।
  2. एसएससी एमटीएस परीक्षा में उसकी सफलता पर बधाई देने के लिए अपने दोस्त आशीष को एक पत्र लिखें।
  3. अपने जिले / शहर के बिजली बोर्ड को पत्र लिखकर बिजली की आपूर्ति में बार-बार बाँधा की शिकायत करें।
  4. नवीनतम संस्करण में प्रकाशित लेख “वायु प्रदूषण” के बारे में एक newwspaper के संपादक को एक पत्र लिखें।
  5. अपने आधार नंबर को अपने खाते से जोड़ने के लिए अपने SBI शाखा प्रबंधक को एक आवेदन लिखें।
  6. अपने पिता को एक पत्र लिखें कि आप छुट्टियों में घर नहीं आ रहे।
  7. अपने College Leaving Certifictae प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रिंसिपल / हेडमास्टर को एक पत्र लिखें।
  8. आप राहुल है अपने छोटे भाई को एक पत्र लिखकर उन्हें जिला एथलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप में उनकी सफलता के लिए बधाई दे ।
  9. अपने चरित्र और जाति प्रमाण पत्र जारी कराने के लिए अपने क्षेत्र के एसडीओ को पत्र लिखिए ।
  10. आप विक्रम है छात्रावास में रहने वाले अपने मित्र अनुज को एक पत्र लिख रहे हैं जिसमें उनके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में पूछ रहे हैं।


SSC MTS Tier II Exam Pattern 2019

Subject Short Essay / Letter
Marks 50
Time Duration 30 Minutes (45 Minutes For VH/PH)

SSC MTS Tier II paper is qualifying in nature, marks scored in SSC Descriptive Paper are not added to the final merit. SSC MTS Final Merit List will be declared on the basis of SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam.

SSC Descriptive Marking Scheme

Staff Selection Commission follows a marking scheme for both Essay and Letter which is asked in SSC Descriptive Exam of MTS, CHSL and CGL. SSC has mentioned this marking scheme in an official RTI reply to a student. We are mentioning the SSC Descriptive Marking Scheme followed by SSC for Descriptive Paper test:

  1. Letter
    (A) Letter Format – 4 marks
    (B) Clarity Of Expression – 8 marks
    (C) Command over language – 8 marks
    (D) Evaluation of performance – 30 marks
    Note: + 10% words limit may be allowed.
  2. Essay
    (A) Clarity Of Expression – 5 marks
    (B) Command over language – 5 marks
    (C) Continuity, context – 5 marks
    (D) Content – 5 marks
    (E) Components, Strength & Weakness, Suggestion & Conclusion – 30 marks
    Note: + 10% words limit may be allowed.

Although SSC also look upon your writing style and calligraphy and other things. The scheme mentioned above may vary in different zone and exams. We would suggest you to prepare yourself according to this marking method for SSC Descriptive exams.

Download Now – SSC Descriptive Paper Study Materials Download PDF

Languages in which SSC MTS Tier II Exam 2019 can be written are :-


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Most Expected Essay & Letter Writing Topics For SSC MTS Descriptive 2019

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