SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test Materials PDF
SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test is conducted to test a candidate’s ability to perform simple tasks such as typing correctly at a decent speed and your knowledge of basic office software tools like the word processor, spreadsheets, and slide maker (Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint).
Skill Test | For The Post Of |
Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) | Assistant Section Officer (CSS), Assistant In Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under M/o corporate affairs, Assistant Section Officer (MEA), Assistant (GSI) In the Ministry Of Mines, Inspector (Central Exercise), Inspector (Preventive Officer), Inspector (Examiner) |
DEST | Tax Assistant (Central Exercise & Income Tax) |
Table of Contents
SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test Materials PDF
In this post, you will get a free e-book and SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test Materials PDF which will be helpful for the aspirants who are going to appear in SSC CGL Tier 4 Exams 2018.
We are providing 101 practice sets for SSC CGL CPT Exam 2018 including 58 English Typing Test Practice Sheets, 20 Excel Spreadsheets Practice Sets, 20 PowerPoint Practice Sheets, and 3 SSC CPT Exercises PDF.
If you are anxious about the test then it is advisable that as these tests are qualifying in nature, you should not worry that much. You only need to pass them — the marks will not be added to your total score.
Even if you fail, you will still be considered for other posts (provided you have marked other posts while filling your examination form).
Download 101 SSC Computer Proficiency Test PDF
SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test
SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test requires three stages Word Processing, spreadsheet, and Generation Of Slides:
- Word Processing – There will be an English passage with 2000 key depressions that have to be made in 15 minutes. It will be not a challenging task if you practice typing regularly.
- Spread Sheet – In this section, aspirants have to perform some basic Mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on Microsoft Excel Sheets. You should grasp the basics of Microsft Excel.
- Generation Of Slides – In this section, aspirants have to make slides on Microsoft PowerPoint. They must have knowledge of Header, Footer, Inserting Date and Time, and basic knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)/Skill Test – You need to accomplish the task of 2000 key depressions on your computer In the allocated time of 15 minutes.
Space, comma, alphabets, numeric characters; everything gets counted in these 2000 keys. Of course, you also need to be accurate.
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NOTE: Candidates declared qualified in List-III will be called for CPT. The candidates called for CPT will not be called for DEST separately and Module I of CPT will be taken for evaluating their performance against DEST.
- All the candidates qualified in more than 1 List need to appear for Skill Test (DEST/CPT)/document verification only once. Candidates who do not attend document verification will not be considered for final selection.
- Candidates declared qualified in List-IV are eligible for DEST.
- The schedule for SSC CGL Document Verification/CPT/DEST will be available on the concerned Regional Office’s website and will be posted here on this page itself.
SSC CPT Question Paper PDF
Here we are attaching the SSC Computer Proficiency Test Question paper pdf of SSC CPT Question Paper 2017. It will help you to understand the level of the questions asked in the SSC CPT/DEST Exam.
Download this question paper pdf and prepare yourself for the upcoming SSC CPT/DEST Examination. We wish you all the best for your exam.
You can download the SSC CGL Computer Proficiency Test Materials PDF by clicking on the link given below.
Download SSC CPT Original Copy PDF
Instructions To The Candidates For Data Entry Test for Tax Assistants/Data Entry Operators
1. The Commission will provide the Computer for the test. No candidate will be allowed to bring his own keyboard.
2. The skill test in Data Entry is a qualifying test only. It will consist of one paper on running matter in the following manner:
Post | Skill Test Norms |
Tax Assistants Data Entry Operators | Data Entry of approx 2000 Key Depressions (Time Allowed – 15 minutes) |
3. Candidates are required to report to the Supervisor half an hour before the commencement of the test, or at the reporting time indicated on their Admission Certificate.
4. Candidates are required to bring attested copies of the following certificates/documents along with the originals thereof at the time of the typewriting test, failing which they may not be admitted to the test.
i) Metric or equivalent certificate in support of date of birth.
ii) Education Certificate in support of educational qualification.
iii) SC/ST/ExS/OBC certificate in the prescribed format issued by the competent authority.
iv) “No Objection” certificate if you are already in service and are claiming age relaxation as a Central Government Civilian Employee.
v) A recent passport-size photograph (to be pasted on the admission certificate), if the regional office instructs so.
5. Travelling and other expenses must be borne by the candidates themselves.
6. The candidates will be required to take their seat ten minutes before commencement of the Test. If the computer goes out of order, the candidate should not shout or disturb others but should remain seated quietly and inform the Invigilator.
7. Candidates should type their particulars (Roll No., etc.) in the space provided on the screen, verify his/her personal details on the next screen and press the button ‘CONFIRM’. He should familiarize himself with the Instructions available on the Commission’s website
8. After completing typing the running passage once, candidates should not re-type the passage. If spare time is available, candidates should utilize the time for checking the typescript and making corrections.
9. Immediately after the test is over, the candidate will have to write in his/her own handwriting one paragraph of about 50-60 words from the Data Entry passage given to him/her on a separate sheet and will have to put his/her name, Roll No. and signature at the end.
10. Candidates should not tear any sheet given to them. When the printout of the passage typed by him is given to him he must write his roll no. and name on each page, sign, and hand over to the invigilator.
11. Candidate must return the Question Paper along with their scripts to the Invigilator. They should not take either the Question Paper or script or any blank typing paper out of the Examination Hall.
12. Every candidate will be supplied with a photo bearing attendance Sheet with his/her Roll number. He/she will be required to sign it and put his/her Left Hand Thumb impression before the beginning of the Test.
13. Candidates shall not be permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the expiry of the Test.
14. On completion of the test, they shall remain seated at their desks and wait until their scripts are collected and accounted for. They must not type, write or erase after the expiry of the allotted time.
For more detailed instructions about SSC DEST/CPT test you can download the official instructions pdf provided by SSC from the link given below.
thanks a lot for the compact and such a wonderful compilation of cpt. may god bless you.